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SURREY CR8 Surrey, Residential

The Space within becomes the reality of the building.

Presented here is a conceptual project for a new development situated in the picturesque and verdant region of Surrey.
52 Wolfe House-406 52 Wolfe House-630 52 Wolfe House-483 wesley-shen-2Kk81Yj8TM8-unsplash

Our design approach entails a fusion of high-end modern contemporary, which our client has grown accustomed to, having come from the affluent Chiswick area of West London, with a serene and tranquil ambiance reminiscent of a French country manor.

The property boasts of lofty ceilings and full-height windows that start from the floor, providing an unobstructed view of the English countryside's majestic oak trees and verdant fields. Our ultimate goal is for our guests to experience a spa-like retreat, feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated after spending a weekend in this stunning home, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Let's work together.

If you would like to discuss a future project, or learn more about Lundenburh, please contact us.

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